Natural hedges are a structure with a high ecological value For a variety of animals. They are composed of indigenous shrubs which provide shelter but also food and a nesting place for insects, birds and mammals such as mice, hedgehogs and squirrels. They also serve as passage corridors for many species. The more variegated the hedge (composed of diverse, thorny and nonthorny, early- and late-flowering shrubs) the more species will benefit. Natural hedges are not only beneficial to biodiversity, but also very beautiful and colorful in all seasons and also often offer edible fruits to be eaten fresh or made into syrups, jams, or baked on tarts, as is the case with elderberries Sambucus nigra, of the dogwood tree Cornus mas or even blackthorn Prunus spinosa and the wild rose Rosehip.
Below, find out how to create a Natural hedge!
The natural hedge can consist of shrubs in combination with some small or large native trees. Ideally, the planting period for shrubs is from October to March.
Care should be taken to plant shrubs at a certain distance from each other (between 0.5 and 1.5 m) depending on their growth speed, to limit competition between different species.
The natural hedge requires much less frequent pruning than classic single-species hedges. Pruning should be done in the dormant period, in autumn or winter. For small hedges, selective pruning is recommended. It occurs every 2-5 years, pruning mainly fast-growing shrubs to favor slower-growing ones.
To make sure that there is a transition zone between hedge and lawn, it is indicated to mow a strip of lawn along the hedge of width 0.5-3 meters only once a year, in late summer or autumn. Even better would be to mow only half of the strip and leave the other half standing until the following fall, and then switch over and mow only the half left standing the year before. This way there will always be an area that serves as a shelter for many animals.
Below is a list of native species for a natural hedge:
Common name | Scientific name |
Wild rose | Rosehip |
Hairy honeysuckle | Lonicera xylosteum |
Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa |
Atlantic honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum |
Common hop | Humulus lupulus |
Spinocervine | Rhamnus cathartica |
Opium, Snowball | Viburnum opulus |
Viburnum lantana | Viburnum lantana |
Dogwood dogwood | Cornus sanguinea |
Male dogwood | Cornus mas |
Red elderberry | Sambucus racemosa |
Black elderberry | Sambucus nigra |
Priest’s Cap | Euonymus europaeus |
Common privet | Ligustrum vulgare |
Common hazel | Corylus avellana |
Common Frangula | Frangula alnus |
Loquat vulgaris | Mespilus germanica |
Wild apple tree | Malus sylvestris |
Mountain ash | Sorbus aria |
Rowan of the birders | Sorbus aucuparia |
Cherry tree | Prunus avium |
Wild pear tree | Pyrus pyraster |
Goat willow | Salix caprea |
Common hornbeam | Carpinus betulus |
White alder | Alnus incana |
To know which species to choose, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the place such as soil moisture, exposure, pH, etc. If you do not know these factors, it is helpful to seek advice from a nursery.