Birds you can hear or see in the biodiversity garden


Codirosso Spazzacamino Foto Maurice Perraudin

If you hear a sound reminiscent of the sound made by crumpling a sheet of paper, it is probably the redstarted redstart, a bird species widespread in cities and villages, is called chimney sweep because of its black head and ash-colored body. Be careful not to confuse it with the much rarer common redstart, which male, compared to its cousin, possesses a white spot on its forehead. With urbanization, this species has also spread to the plains, using houses and buildings for nesting. Originally, the robin redstart actually lived in rocky mountain environments, up to 3,200 meters above sea level! An early riser, the swept-backed redstart kicks off the birds’ morning concerts before dawn.


Late April/early May – August

Cuculo Foto Gianni Marcolli

Starting in late April/early May, listen to the song of the cuckoo. The cuckoo lives in open environments rich in small structures, but also appreciates deciduous forests. On flower-rich escarpments the cuckoo can find caterpillars, insects and spiders on which it feeds. It is known for its habit of laying eggs in the nests of other birds that brood and raise the young cuckoos as their own. As a result, its presence is closely related to the most parasitized species such as the ‘shrike, blackcap, redstart, common redstart, …

Its typical song signals its arrival around mid- to late April and accompanies us throughout the summer.




The swale builds its nest under the roof slopes of buildings by sticking mud on them and is often seen in large colonies catching flying insects, especially in the cooler hours of the day. Unfortunately, the baleen martin is not always appreciated and its nests are often destroyed, as its dung litters the facades of houses and what lies beneath the nest. The baleen owl finds nourishment through the presence of many insects, and thus through the maintenance of natural meadows.

May-mid September

Averla Piccola Foto Herwig Winter

With his typical black mask, the little shrike is a discrete inhabitant of extensive agricultural landscapes where there is a strong presence of low, thorny hedgerows and grasslands. It feeds mainly on large insects that it sticks on the spines of brambles and other thorny shrubs, thus creating a food supply. It builds its nest in brambles or thorny shrubs, sheltered from predators. With the disappearance of hedgerows from agricultural landscapes and the decline of insects, populations of small shrikes have declined sharply. Through campaigns in favor of natural hedgerows and extensive farming, it is hoped to be able to protect existing populations.



Picchio Verde Foto Ivano Pura

The green woodpecker is a sedentary bird that does not migrate during the winter months. It can therefore be glimpsed even in winter because of its colorful plumage that stands out among the bare trees. His typical courtship song resembles a gradually fading laugh. It is also well recognized by its undulating flight. It is greedy for ants, which it can even find and eat in tree cavities thanks to a sticky tongue with harpoons. It therefore needs open spaces such as meadows, where it can find ants and insects, but also large trees where it can make its nest. Its ideal habitat is therefore chestnut forests and sparse woodlands.